if You want to check our beat-collection You can NAVIGATE the MENU to «B34Tz», click there, or click the image below;

    Beats, audio, and all that will be categorised as the website is developed, which is a constant battle against the forces of evil. I’m considering selling SAMPLE-Packs, standard .mp3 and .flac downloads, .WAV in special cases. Both for Your listening displeasure and for profesionall use while it’s sorted out. You can contact @ the «KONTAKT» page if You need anything or whatever.

    Update; the contact-form is flooded so here is a direct-contact e-mail adressé

    Kontakt Information

    There’s also a BANDCAMP page which I use where You can support or just download most completed releases, like «V-IX», and You can also support directly @ PayPal.
    Everything is appreciated!